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Are You Ready to Make Some New Habits?

A resolution to start a good habit is easier to implement than a pledge to break a bad one.  The most successful resolutions have both elements combined.  For example, cut back on evenings at the office and volunteer some time at a local charity.  

Substituting habits works best if the two are incompatible.  One woman decided to lose weight and to walk instead of a snack before dinner.  She bought a pair of sport shoes and resolved to walk 40 blocks home from work each evening.  That gave her regular exercise and also got her home just in time to eat dinner instead of snacking.

Use reminders to keep you on track.  If you’ve decided to read a book a week, post the resolution on your TV.  If your goal is to give up late-night snacks, keep a reminder on the refrigerator. 

Never say never.  If you resolve to not buy any more clothes until you’re out of debt, you’ll only set yourself up for failure when you snap up a sweater at that post Christmas sale.  It’s better to adopt a budget that leaves room for an occasional shopping trip.

 And, don’t strive for the impossible.  Pledging a 50 pound shed by June 1 isn’t practical so instead promise a 6 pound loss by February 1.  The far off goal only invites procrastination.  Even with realistic goals, it’s important  to have a strategy to deal with temptation and backsliding. 

Finally, don’t give up!  Every day is a new beginning.  If you have a bad day and yell at the kids, you don’t have to wait until next January to be cheerful again!



America’s #1 Cleaning Expert, Don Aslett, has come up with 10 commandments to use when moving.  If you are expecting to move soon you’ll want to note these to make for a smoother move.

Don says to always double the amount of garbage bags and boxes you think you will need and it will be just right.  Nothing is worse than stopping to get more boxes when you are on a roll.  This prevents us from over-loading or cramming the wrong sized stuff in the wrong size box. 

Don’t be afraid to GET HELP!  Even if you hate to ask, don’t shy away from asking your friend with that big pickup (besides, they’re usually proud to show them off!) Remember, 100 pound items are reduced to 50 pounds apiece with just one extra helper.

If you’ve never liked to hold garage sales just take a deep breath and make plans for one when you’re about to move.  Just about any neighbor comes by or joins you in the sale can help the move and that’s a deal.

ALWAYS START EARLY.  Nothing is worse than to start moving at noon and finish at 9PM or 10PM when stores are closed and it’s dark.  Get started at 6 AM in the morning and be done at 2PM and you can still have friends and a good attitude.

PLAN AHEAD!  You’d be surprised how many people become ill or get injured while moving.  There’s always the strain, change of plan, plus the stress of time factors.  Emotionally and physically it takes many people weeks, even years of recovery.  Planning ahead of a move instead of during the move is a lifesaver.  Make all the decisions weeks before you start, the rest will be arithmetic.

Meet me here next week for the next of Don’s 10 Move Commandments.



A resolution to start a good habit is easier to implement than a pledge to break a bad one.  The most successful resolutions have both elements combined.  For example, cut back on evenings at the office and volunteer some time at a local charity.  

Substituting habits works best if the two are incompatible.  One woman decided to lose weight and to walk instead of a snack before dinner.  She bought a pair of sport shoes and resolved to walk 40 blocks home from work each evening.  That gave her regular exercise and also got her home just in time to eat dinner instead of snacking.

Use reminders to keep you on track.  If you’ve decided to read a book a week, post the resolution on your TV.  If your goal is to give up late-night snacks, keep a reminder on the refrigerator. 

Never say never.  If you resolve to not buy any more clothes until you’re out of debt, you’ll only set yourself up for failure when you snap up a sweater at that post Christmas sale.  It’s better to adopt a budget that leaves room for an occasional shopping trip.

 And, don’t strive for the impossible.  Pledging a 50 pound shed by June 1 isn’t practical so instead promise a 6 pound loss by February 1.  The far off goal only invites procrastination.  Even with realistic goals, it’s important  to have a strategy to deal with temptation and backsliding. 

Finally, don’t give up!  Every day is a new beginning.  If you have a bad day and yell at the kids, you don’t have to wait until next January to be cheerful again!



If you have a dresser or chest that has short legs on it you might try removing the legs for a low-slung, sleek look.  For older pieces that have attached mirrors, unscrew them and re-hang them at an appropriate height. 

Need a desk?  Look around the house or an antique shop for a vintage “vanity dresser” and give it a new life as a handsome desk by removing the decorative “apron” in the center section to allow for knee room when sitting on a chair suited to the height of the piece.  If the wood is in good condition it may be worthwhile to strip and refinish it.  If not, visit your local paint store for some ideas and options on antiquing or painting the wood. 

If you have tables made of wood that get a lot of use you might want to protect the top with a heavy piece of glass cut to fit.  This also works well for a square flat ottoman to turn it into a coffee table on occasion. 

Feel the need for more occasional tables?  The attic or garage may be housing some unique possibilities, if you find an antique milk can you could top it with a piece of marble salvaged from a demolishing company or old wicker items can be rejuvenated into suitable and attractive tables.   Perhaps the tables you uncover could be useful without much work by just draping them with fabric remnants.  The fabric store remnant bin is also a good place to find accessories.  For example, pieces of quilted fabric can be easily made into throw pillows. 

With a little time and a bit of creativity your whole house can get a needed facelift giving everyone who lives there a new lift too!



Fellow Professional Organizer, Stephanie Culp, has authored a book entitled, Organized Closets and Storage for Every Room in the House.  It’s filled with great suggestions to maximize your closet and storage space.

When organizing your wardrobe work from within.  Hang blouses or shirts alongside complementary skirts or pants.  Things that don’t have a companion article should be taken out to be given away. 

Hang belts, scarves, and purses, where you can see them for easy coordination.  You can find special racks for these items, purchase drawer dividers, or simply drive nails in strategic spots along the closet wall or door for easy access.  As the old adage goes, “If the shoe fits, wear it”, can certainly apply to closet cleaning.  However, it needs to be turned around to say, “If the shoes don’t fit, toss it!  Those you do wear should go on a shoe rack-the kind that hangs on the inside of the closet door or one that stands on the closet floor.

How about the plastic wrap the cleaner sends home covering your clothes?  If you have some of that still hanging around in the closet –it’s got to go!  It’s hard to see through it to tell what it’s covering and it can be dangerous to kids and pets.

Hangers are another thing to look over in your closet.  Different types are helpful.  Plastic hangers with swivel head allow you to put the garments on the hanger any way you wish and keep the clothes all hanging the same way in the closet. 

Skirts can be hung on hangers that attach individually to each other for a layered or single effect, thereby grouping garments by category, color, fabric, or casual vs. formal.  Pants hang best on open ended chrome hangers.  Then, when the task is completed the closet will have that spacious look you’ve dreamed about!

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