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Client and Class/Audience Feedback:

We take pride in serving our client, class, and training participants - and it shows!

Read what they have to say about us...

Home Builder -

"The assistance that Judy and Treva gave me in my office made me tremendously more efficient.  I can find things more easily, and the working environment is more pleasant, which makes me more productive."

Attorney -

"Thanks to Treva and Judy, I now have a system that helps me keep my office clean and organized. Even six months later clients and colleagues still notice.  It is particularly satifsying to know that you can return after a weekend or vacation and know your office will be neat and well organized because you left it that way."

Organizer Endorsement on Training and Network -

"I see a tremendous amount of value in the class and in the network:

1. The backbone to begin your own business including invoices, pricing guidelines, business cards, etc.

2.  Suport to pursue the areas of specialty that most interest you.

3.  Mentoring access to two women who have a combined 46+ years of experience behind them.

4.  Frequent in-services to share business development ideas and to encourage one another through problem areas.

5.  Access to all professional organizational materials.

6.  Client leads that can turn into very long-term client revenue potential.

7.  Support, encouragement, and guidance.

I think my training fee was easily returned to me in the matter of a few hours of work!  Can I say that you are the best?!"  ~ Shannon O.

12- Hour Training Participant from New York -

" was a wonderful experience to me - the whole thing!"

Audience -

"Judy, thanks so much again for speaking at the MOPS group yesterday.  I truly did enjoy what you shared...and I think I could easily listen to you for 12-hours! :)"